Friday, January 16, 2009


One of the most profitable ways for baby boomers to start planning for supplementing their income after retirement is making money online.

Some say the social security that was set up as a security blanket, so to speak, isn't so secure. In view of the recent developments regarding social security of late, one has to ponder if the "security blanket" was ever set up for the people.

Nevertheless, we have to take control over our own security and not rely on the government, other agencies, or anyone else for the security of our own person. When should we take over control? NOW, before it becomes too late to do anything about it.

We are not getting any younger and it is a known fact that the older we get, the more ailments we seem to have. With more ailments, being in the working arena becomes difficult. With the high blood pressure, the diabetes, the heart ills and who knows what else could find its' way into our lives, it becomes harder and harder to maintain the rigorous schedule of a job outside of the home.

The time is NOW for baby boomers to get creative in an attempt to secure a comfortable retirement. As stated at the beginning of this post, one of the most profitable ways to start that planning for an income after retirement is making money online.

There is an abundance of "work at home" opportunities online that allow you to continue the feeling of contributing to make someone else money. This is fine and good for the person or company, but what about you? What about your future? What about the future of your family? What about the supplemental income for you?

Friday, November 7, 2008

Baby Boomers: Are You Listening?

Our new president elect held a press conference today and just as I said in an earlier post, the economic situation is bleak. We have to give the new president-elect time to address this issue and try to turn the economy around.

How long will it take? Do you know? Does anyone know?

What we do know is that we need to take charge now of our own futures and do something to ensure we have other streams of income to secure a better future for our families.

NOW is as good a time as any to get started. You can start right here on this page and review all the information that is available to see what you can do to start your trek to your future.

I have tried to give you plenty of options to choose. The choice is now yours. Do you want to wait four years down the road to be able to live comfortably in retirement? How about eight years? How about twelve?

Start NOW.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Well, the elections are over for another term. Do you think the newly elected president will be able to turn this economy around in enough time to help you retire as you planned?

Personally, I don't think anyone can work magic to the point of getting us out of the economic stresses we are faced with in 2008 without enough time.

We have to take control of our own futures. We can not sit back and wait for someone else to do for us what we need to do for ourselves.

The time is NOW and to delay one more day of making plans for your future will not be in your best interest.

If you are thinking that President-Elect Obama can turn this economy around for you and for the millions of other baby boomers entering the retirement arena, think again. You must remember, there are only fifty-six more days in 2008. Beyond that, the newly elected president will not be sworn into office until January 20, 2009.

When he enters the presidency, it will take him some time to get things back on track. After all, this situation with the economy did not happen overnight and we can not expect it to be fixed overnight.

This is just a little "food for thought." Start making preparations NOW for your future before it is too late.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Well, today is election day. Did you take the time to vote? Did you take the time to weigh your decisions carefully? Did you take the time to investigate and research your candidates of choice?

If you answered yes to the questions above, then I say "well done."

Now let's get down to what should really touch you and your pockets. Regardless of who wins the presidency, regardless of who wins the Senate seats, you are still faced with some tough decisions. One of the main decisions you are faced with is what are YOU going to do about YOUR future and the future of YOUR family?

You can sit idly by and think someone else is going to make these choices for you but in reality that is not going to happen. This choice is clearly yours and yours alone.

Step out of your comfort zone long enough to realize that the retirement for baby boomers today and in the near distant future is dismal at best. The time for action is NOW. The time for action is before you are hit with less income.

Are you ready to start TODAY, right NOW to get educated on how you can obtain additional streams of income? If so, peruse this blog to see what you can do now to ensure you have a successful and stress-free retirement.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


With the economy in such a state of disarray, more and more people are rethinking their decision to retire.

Baby Boomers are being hard hit with this economy. They have several obstacles and a lot of hurdles to overcome.

Baby Boomers, in order to survive this economy, must start preparation NOW for their future and the future of their families.

Baby Boomers have to watch their retirement funds carefully. If their retirement funds are contingent on the stock market, take heed to the condition of the financial market in this economy.

Baby Boomers have to watch their savings accounts. Do they think their savings account will be enough to withstand this economy after retirement?

Baby Boomers, if you have landed on this blog, feel free to search every aspect of this blog to get ideas as to what to do in this failing economy.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Are you keeping up with the news lately?

From all I see, we (baby boomers) are in the news more than I have ever seen baby boomers in the news. The economy has our future in a state of wonderment. Have you thought about it?

NOW is the time to really get serious about what you are going to do for you and your family's future. If you continue to wait too long, it might be too late.

Start thinking TODAY about what you can and will do to make sure you will be able to pay your mortgage and keep food on the table for your family. Things are really heating up.

If you are still working, that's great! Have you thought about what will happen if that day comes that you are suddenly let go? What will you do? What will you do when you don't have any income? Oh sure, you will probably be able to collect unemployment, but how long does that last?

No, you should be thinking NOW for the future. The long term future, not the short term.

There is plenty of information and advice for baby boomers here and other places. Why not look at it NOW? Why not start securing your future TODAY?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Let's recap. You have made the decision to prepare for you and your family's future with a home based business. You have decided what your home based business will be by choosing one of your hobbies and getting a mind's eye view of others who would be interested in the same opportunity.

Now you are ready to really tap into the home based business income opportunities. Your last step, your major step is to get the word out about your business. How will people know you even have a business? How will people reach you to get involved in your business?


Yes, the INTERNET. The open highway for network marketing. Millions and millions of people use this highway daily. Twenty four hours a day. Get on this highway with all of these other people. Get to know them. Wave and smile at them as you pass them on the highway. Get to know them. Let them get to know you.

Build a relationship with them. Before you know it, you will have exposed your business to millions of people you never knew existed.

One last thing. While you are on this highway, have FUN!